Making Resurrection Rolls with your family this Easter weekend is a simple and yummy way to bring the story of Jesus’s death and resurrection to life. This is a great way to experience hands on storytelling that brings the truth of God’s Word to life for your kids.
To get started, grab your Bible or open the YouVersion app on your phone. You’ll need it to look up scripture together.
Next, preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Read the ingredients and gather all of them together so you can get started baking! (RECIPE AT THE BOTTOM)
Now here’s where the fun really starts.
Are you ready for the best part? Be sure to let your rolls cool for a minute or two so no fingers get burnt. Take a roll and break it open. Guess what, it’s empty!
The marshmallow we put in there is gone! Jesus’ followers were amazed that the tomb was empty on Easter morning because Jesus had risen from the dead. Read Matthew 28:1-8 together.
Share pictures of your Resurrection Rolls on social media. Tag Journey Kids (@jkprattville) Facebook or Instagram and use #JourneyFamilies to interact!
Recipe adapted from here and blog adapted from here
By Anna Richardson Preschool Coordinator, Journey Church of the River Region.
Photos by Angela Smith and Family.