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We can not wait to see you and your family!

This is just registration for Kids Ministry. This is not registering you or your family for our Main Worship service. If you plan on your children attending Main Worship please add them to Main Worship registration here.

Upon arrival, after giving your child’s name, you will receive their preprinted check-in tag, along with your security tag for pick up.

If a child is not registered each class will have space on a first-come-first-served basis. Once a class reaches 10 it will be closed to adding more students. This is to comply with the state mandate and keep our workers and families as safe as possible.

Masks are required for anyone above the age of 6, including adults dropping off. This is to comply with the state mandate and keep our workers and families as safe as possible.

Please register each child that will be attending!

Doors will open 15 minutes before the start of each service.