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Here is a quick overview of the purposes and elements our Graded (1st-4th grade) service does each week. The order of the elements doesn’t change often helping kids feel the rhythm of the service. That being said we balance the steadiness of our elements with the ever changing method! Sometimes we are running across the room, sometimes we are watching a crazy skit, sometimes we watch one of our leaders get pied in the face. We keep it always changing and desire to create a place where kids can count on us to be here but never what we might do next! 

Sunday Morning Schedule

Free Play (arrival to 5 minutes after service starts)

Using the games, coloring table, game tables we will interact with our kids asking about their week and checkin on their overall well being. We should be quick to welcome every child that comes in and work hard to link them to a group in play or start something new.

Countdown/Intro (4 minutes)

Countdown to help clean up and find their seats. Welcome them to Kids Worship and remind them that we are going to have an awesome time today and its great seeing everyone again! Review Previous Weeks should quickly remind them of the monthly theme and the Bible stories that we have covered so far with direct lines on how they connect.

Worship (6 minutes)

Introduce by explaining that one of the key aspects of coming together to learn about God is to tell him how awesome He is. One great way to do that is through song. This is a time for our kids to learn hear great truths, get active and see how to give thanks to God, their creator.

Big Picture Question (1 minute)

This a question we will repeat for the entirety of a unit. It usually is something leading the kids to understand why we are covering this story and why God let bad things happen. This time is to set up and remind them of the unit’s question and ask them to see it through the story/video.

Giant Timeline (1 minute)

A set of posters having all of our stories on them showing the continuity and connection of the story of the Bible. Divided into Units by color with the picture of each story.

Story Video (4 minutes)

Varies in length but directly from curriculum.

Big Picture Answer (3 minutes)

To conclude and hear the kids not only answer the question but share how they see the unit’s big question through the story/video.

Christ Connection (4 minutes)

Every story in the Bible has a purpose and points to the great story of redemption that Christ brought to us. We will fail at what God has called us to do if we do not point every story and every child back to God’s saving grace.

Group Demo (5 minutes)

A visual time to connect the point and application of the story. Usually a stage show of something.

Questions from Kids Video (3 minutes)

A video pointed at the simplicity that we need to keep our answers that may seem complicated but do have a clear answer that we can share. It usually points back to the main take away for the day.

Verse & Pray (3 minutes)

We will quickly review the story and make statements on how it connects to our monthly verse before we lead them in motions that correlate to remembering our verse. We will close this time by either a leader lead prayer or asking a kid to pray. The prayer should consist of thanking God for the awesome opportunity of worshipping and learning more about Him and praying for a great week that will have everyone come back to Kids Worship next week.

Dismiss to smaller groups (2 minutes)

Kids are divided into graded smaller groups creating space to let kids open their bibles, ask questions in a more open setting and be challenged with age-appropriate teaching. 

Activity in smaller groups (7-10 minutes)

The Activity is about reviewing the story, and getting active. Sometimes this rotation will require some preparation and perspiration. Often involving a game that takes a key detail from the story to get the kids to review the story in their heads. We should be reinforcing the story by asking questions such as? Now why did we just play that game in Kids Worship? Or what does that game have to do with today’s story? With a powwow at the end letting them answer those questions retell the story all together will reinforce the story and make for a memorable day.

Lesson in smaller groups (7-10 minutes)

The Lesson is all about seeing the motive behind the story. This rotation will require their bibles and they’re thinking caps. Why did it happen? Why did the people do the thing they did or didn’t do? Why would God put this story in the Bible? And finally what should this mean for my life?

Closing Free Play (3 minutes until pick up)

Using the games, coloring table, game tables the kids will close their time with us by reconnecting with friends for a few minutes. Leaders will prepare our take home sheets and prepare to welcome parents as they come down stairs to retrieve their kids. Thanking the parents for bringing them and softly inviting them to come back.