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Christmas Is Coming

06, December 2020

Christmas is Coming


Tama Fortner



An amazing look at the big picture of Christmas as it tells not only the coming of Jesus but God’s big plan to rescue us from our sin by sending a Savior.

Nate’s take: This book is beautifully illustrated and even keeps the storyline in chronological order while avoiding many of the “traditional” pitfalls.  Something that we sometimes miss in our every day life is how God is not just taking care of us but has a plan. One great way to be reminded of that is the reason why Christmas had to happen; our sin. This story shows how God took care of us and wants us to be rescued. This book could plant a seed or start a special gospel conversation.

Nate’s keys to success: This book could should be a repeat book as it covers so many big topics. It could also be a great Christmas Eve book for the whole family. It would be great for older kids to read to younger as well. This story is not just one day with a baby but a promise made to Adam and Eve now fulfilled for “Christmas is Coming”!