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In today’s story we watched as Jesus was baptized by John. John felt unworthy to even tie Jesus’ sandals let alone baptize Him. BUT Jesus did something remark and not so remarkable He looked past the moment and obeyed His Father’s will. He said “it must be this way. It is right.” 

Your child is growing, changing every day into a person that will, and should one day leave your house. What will they leave with it the question, not if they are leaving. Thats a funny thing to bring up when discussing baptism but it matters. What is the end look like? Will they be able to share their faith? Will they be a light to shine in the darkness? Baptism is that. Baptism is a symbol, a message to the world. When a person is baptized they are simply saying I stand for Jesus. 

Walking with someone in the baptism process, no matter the age, is a special time. A part of baptism is witnesses. For two reasons witnesses were there when Jesus was baptized and are there now when others get baptized. 

  1. To celebrate with the choice they have made just as the bible says the angels do!

Simple Steps to make this experience work

Lower Preschoolers

Have a snack available for them as you take communion so that the physical does not confuse them. Goldfish and water always works.

Upper Preschoolers

Having a snack may help them not to feel left out, but resist the temptation to give them the snack or drink using the same actions and process you are modeling as you take communion. Though it might sound as cute as them “mowing the grass with their mower as someone is mowing the lawn,” communion is a private moment for you as a believer to realign with God. Let your child see your calm reverence to the actions being taken.

Not-yet Christians, Graded

 Have them spend time drawing or journaling, asking God for usual things such as provision for the sick, needs, hurt, and lonely. Let them know that you are going to be spending time with God for a few moments, and ask them to respect your time so that you can fully engage in this spiritual/emotional moment. Following the service, take the time to pray with your child and answer any questions.

Christians, Graded

Talk through the lesson below beforehand to remind them of the act. Talk about the seriousness of the moment and possibly the importance to you. It’s a time to mark a shared spiritual action. Modeling for your children is so important but engaging in communion with God for your own spiritual walk will not only model best, it will make you a better parent.

Below you will find a link that includes a video explaining what communion is and sharing the simple facts. The video even has a family lesson that you could complete before the service. Both of these resources come from our friends and partners at This resource is a great place to find parenting help and even fun lessons to supplement our weekly content.